Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Tansies most commonly know as Common Tansy, Mug work, Golden Buttons, Cow Bitter and Bitter Buttons. The scientific name of this perennial herbaceous blossoming is Tanacetum vulgare. They are native to Europe and Asia. Tansies occur in Europe, Asia, Scandinavia, United States and Britain. These flowers grows and are found in almost all places like riversides, grassy edges and in waste place as well, but they are not inhabitant to hilly mountains. The name Tansy originated for the Greek “Athanaton” which stand for immortal, this name was given to the flower due to the enduring quality. In past Tansy were linked to old customs scrutinized whilst the Easter time. Tansies in the language of flowers represents for “I declare against you” as well as “Resistance” which make it’s an inappropriate flower on the valentine day.

This plant is feathery in nature and comes in magnificent extreme dark green color. Tansies are button shaped flowers which comes in yellow flower heads which are consistently congregate. Flower of tansies are congregated on the top of the stalk and are densely packed to each other. Due to the crowed together quality, this flower has been admired by painters and artist and has become master pieces of them. Tansies are recognized and have been appreciated in European herbal tradition; these flowers are found wild that people use to recognize it for its importance.

The blossoming season of tansies is during the months June to October. At the time of full blossom of the tansies at the freshness, its real beauty is exposed but ephemeral. The beauty of the plant gets added up with the long lasting tendency of the study upright bunch of fernlike flora pinnacled by the flower. These flowers are not interested by gardeners but a few of them grows them in garden. A good number of flower admires use to get attracted on the way to cheerful tansies with its appearance and will tell the same fact when asked but not know the other two important facts as the aroma and the chemistry of tansy flower. It’s sure that now onwards you will notice the difference while coming across a tansy.

Tansies grow in bright sunny dissipate places and are rarely invited or seen in gardens. These flowers are almost not seen in garden as a menace. Tansies flower at the time when the plant reaches a height of 2-4 feet, this plant can grow up to 6 feet at its at rich environmental conditions. Plants life can be affected by over moisture or forced shadow. Tansies are recognized as everlasting flower but forced to get to ground during every winter due to frost. Tansies, the bulb like flower may perhaps be weedy, even them with its eye-catching appearance and useful nature they have been appreciated by many admirers. This plant has been employed as a medical herb for centuries and well known in Europe for its medication purposes. Its posses toxic nature and can be deadly with taken in overdose.

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